The 4th International Symposium of Clinical Immunology The 60th Annual Congress of the Japan Society for Transplantation

Abstract Submission

Submission Period

8 January 2025 – Noon (JST), 20 February 2025

You can also review and modify your abstract using Submission ID and Password till the final deadline.


Invited Lecture

All the lectures of Symposium 1, 2, 3 and Sponsored Seminars are invited.
The speakers are cordially requested to submit the abstracts as follows.

Word limit

- Title: There is no word limit for Abstract Title.
- Body: 600 words or less


- English only

Call for Abstracts

The Young Investigator Award recognizes the best oral or poster presentation submitted by the young investigators under 45 years old.
Awards are given for JP¥20,000 to top three winners.
Only those who are 45 years old or younger as of April 1, 2025, can apply for the Award.

Word limit

- Title: There is no word limit for Abstract Title.
- Body: 300 words or less


- English only


Secretariat of 4th ISCI
Email: jsci-isci[あ]icongroup[ど]co[ど]jp([あ] を @ に,[ど] を . に変えてください。)